Monday, February 1, 2010

Bowling 2010

Over the last 3 weeks, I have gone bowling 3 times. I went once with some friends (bowled a one-twenty-something - go me!), then the next 2 weekends, we took the boys.

Last year, we took the kids bowling, but Nicholas wasn't old enough to bowl. It nearly killed him to not be able to play with the bigger kids, so he was ecstatic that he could finally bowl this year. They even have bowling shoes for his wee little feet. So. Cute.

Andrew is a great bowler. He can go up there on his own and throw the ball down the lane with all his might. He is even able to get a couple strikes and spares. For a while, Josh, Andrew and I all had the same score. (I never said we were good bowlers)

Niko is a hilarious bowler. Obviously, he can't throw the ball like his brother. So, either Josh or I would take him down... and basically throw the ball down the lane for him. But his technique was priceless. Skipping down the lane, hands on hips while he watched his ball go down the lane... well, you'll just have to watch for yourself.