Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Easter

And, as always, I suck at keeping this updated.

This past weekend was Easter. As tradition, the week prior is spent at church. We're supposed to go Wednesday, Thursday, twice on Friday, twice on Saturday. However, in reality...

We started out strong on Wednesday. But, by Thursday, we quickly fell apart. We skipped Thursday and missed one entire service on Friday. We rallied by evening and went again Saturday morning. And again crumbled by Saturday night. I feel like I'm still ahead of the game, though. This is the most we've gone in months, so I figure we're good for another few months.

We had Easter dinner at Mom and Dad's. Mom, as always, put on a big feast. Lamb, pastistio, tiropitas, salad, etc. This year, we had a full house. Mom invited my nona and her family and Pete's nono and his family. And, of course, my in-laws. Which brings me to the point of my story.

My in-laws. I love 'em. But I don't understand 'em. Jeanne, unfortunately, was hit with a case of food poisoning, so my father-in-law came alone. Bearing gifts, of course. Ah, the gifts. Books this year, which are always a hit. However, the books themselves were questionable. For Andrew, Walter the Farting Dog. Yes, you read that right. A story about a farting dog. With graphic images and everything. And for poor sweet baby Nicholas? I Stink.

Ah, gotta love the in-laws. Andrew has been telling everyone the title of his book. Hilarious.