Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy New Year (part deux)

We rang in the new year at our house with Dean, Meaghan and Alexis and our friends, Heather, Terry and their 2 girls, Kira and Leah. We had a good time, playing board games while the kids tore up the basement. All the kids, except Nicholas, made it until midnight. It was fun until both Alexis and Andrew had meltdowns at the end of the evening because they didn't want to go to bed. Kids. How do they not know that sleeping is the greatest thing ever??

Happy New Year!

Well, it's officially 2008. I thought I'd start the year off better about blogging, but apparently not since it's already mid-January. sigh.

Anyway, here are some pictures from Christmas. As you can see, Andrew really made out this year and was so excited to see all that he got. We had so much fun watching him. Nicholas, um, pretty much slept through the whole thing. Oh well, maybe next year.