Friday, January 22, 2010

I have a chipmunk in the house

My Nicholas is a very picky eater. From the time he was able to eat solid foods, he's been this way. Didn't like pureed carrots, but liked sweet potatoes. Wouldn't touch peaches, but liked pears. Once he was introduced to sweets? Forget about it. No other foods existed. (I have NO idea where he got this from)

And this is what we've been dealing with for the last year or so. The pediatrician had given us some tips to trick him into eating healthy foods, but he's smarter than your average 2-year-old. We have to threaten him with no dessert in order to get him to eat his dinner. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work. We have caught him on more than one occasion sneaking candy from the drawer. Josh once caught him eating the tin foil wrapping (my guess is to dispose of all evidence).

Last night was no exception. I had made a nice dinner. Andrew, being the awesome eater that he is (God bless him), cleaned his plate. Nicholas, on the other hand, did not. I had to force feed him a piece of broccoli. And then a piece of chicken. No dessert, but he did try (and failed) to sneak a piece of candy.

Fast forward an hour. We were in the family room, watching Star Wars (for the billionth time). Andrew and Niko like to jump off the couch for fun (a boy thing, I'm told). So, they were jumping while killing bad guys with their light sabers. As Niko jumped off the couch, 2 things came flying out of his mouth. Guess what they were? A piece of broccoli and a piece of chicken.

Seriously. I knew the kid was sneaky, but how did he keep food in there for so long without swallowing? What else does he store in there??

Later, Josh had ice cream for dessert. Andrew and Nicholas both swooped in like vultures. Niko, in his cute little (shitpot) voice, said, "What eating?" while giving a (shitpot) smile and cocking his head to one side. If it were me, I would've given in.

To quote my mother, "If he wasn't so cute, he'd be dead." And, boy, he's going to be trouble when he's older.


Meemee said...

Heeee, funny boy. You'd think he'd get that food out of his mouth by swallowing it rather than keeping it in his cheeks and tasting it for hours!