Thursday, November 26, 2009

Another Fan in the Making

On the way home from our friend, Heather's, the other night, I played a little Paul Anka on the radio for my sister, Mary. Andrew was in the backseat with Alexis and asked me to play the "wake up in each other's arms" song.

What's that, you say? You want to hear, "Why Don't We Sleep on it Tonight?" Well, sure!

So, I played it. And the kid already knows some of the words!

In addition to his appreciation of the awesomeness of Paul Anka, Andrew's other favorite songs include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash
  • "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash (which he calls "the train song")
  • "Fragile" by Kylie Minogue
  • "Apache" by the Sugar Hill Gang (which he likes to call "Jumponie")
  • the theme song to "Star Wars" (of course)
What a kid. I'm so proud.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's Getting Worse

This time, I caught Niko, pants down... with an open jar of Aquaphor (for those who don't know, it's like Vaseline).

I do NOT want to know what his intentions were.

I'm horrified. And glad I stopped him in time.

Also, I swear, he's dropping the F bomb. He said it when I got him out of bed this morning. I told him not to say that word, so, of course, he kept saying it. He can't possibly know that word, we never say it in front of him. It's got to be Nikospeak for pizza or something... right?

Friday, November 20, 2009


Nicholas turned 2 in September. Over the last couple months, he has gotten quite the vocabulary. I was once told that, by 2, the ones closest to the child can understand what the child is saying, and, by 3, everyone can. However, there are times even I don't understand this sweet boy.

There are plenty of words that are pretty clear. Mommy, Daddy, DooDoo (okay, it's not Andrew, but it's close enough), Yiayia, Popou, kitty... I'm good.

Then there are the WTF words. He'll say something that sounds like a real word, but when you ask if that's what he meant, he'll most likely tell you no. And usually with a look like, "Why don't you understand me, stupid lady?"

fouvou: light saber (really?)
tataw (small pause) shoo: Star Wars
outsow: Still have no idea what this is. You'd think outside, but you'd be wrong (or so he keeps telling me).
boon: At a loss. Boot? No. Book? No. Bug? No.

Eventually, he gets fed up with me and sits back down.

Poor kid. Has an idiot for a mother.

This kid is going to get it

Again, I was at the computer after dinner. Andrew asked for dessert. Because I was in the middle of an email, I asked him to wait just a second. Which, of course, turned into a few minutes.

At first, I told him to get the cookies himself, but he informed me that he's not allowed up on the counter to grab the glass jar.

Oh. Right. He's not.

So, I got up and got him his cookies. As I handed them over, he said, "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"

He's cruisin' for a bruisin'.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pop Quiz

After dinner, I asked Andrew if he liked what we had. Did he say:

A) I loved it!
B) I wanted to marry it!
C) I wanted to kiss it on the lips!
D) I wanted to dance with it!
E) All of the above

The correct answer is E.

Monday, November 16, 2009

and Part 3

So, this time, while I was out of the room, Niko took off a poopy diaper. Running around with no pants on, dirty bucket and all.

I cleaned him up, but I have no idea where he pooped. I haven't found it yet.

I'm fairly optimistic I'll be able to find it quickly.

I need to duct tape the damdiaper to his body.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Put Your Pants Back On (Part Deux)

In addition to Nicholas taking his pants off every chance he gets, he has now graduated to pooping on our floor.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Put Your Pants Back On!

What is it with boys and being naked? Are you all so proud of your junk that it needs to be shown at all times? Does it need to breathe or something? And does it have to start at such a young age??

I was in front of the computer last night, minding my own business, when I looked over and found that Nicholas had pulled down his pants and taken off his diaper. When did he learn to take off his diaper? Are we going to have this problem each time we go out in public? I could just see him whipping out that thing in the frozen food aisle at Giant Eagle.

Anyway, my mother has always said that our children take after their godparents and I'm seeing, once again, that this is true. My brother, Dean, Niko's godfather, likes to walk around naked, too.

Apparently it's not something you grow out of.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

May the Force Be With You

It's official. The boys are addicted to Star Wars. At least once a day I am asked to watch Attack of the Clones. Don't they know that Episodes IV, V and VI are way better? I mean Han Solo alone.

Princess Leia: "I love you."
Han Solo: "I know."


And take a guess what Andrew was for Halloween.