What was I saying? Right.
So, I entertained the children most of the day. We played Go Fish, we had lunch, we played Wii (in my defense, it was the Wii Fit, so we were getting exercise while looking at the brain-sucking box). Anyway, by the time dinner came around, I was spent. I let them run amuck while I checked my email. I have reason to believe the no TV made the boys a little stir crazy. That or it was the sugar they were eating straight out of the canister (what? I was busy playing on the computer, I can't watch them every second).
Anyway, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Andrew yelling and chasing after Nicholas with something in his hands. Seemed a little big, so I looked and realized it was the banister.
Yeah, I'll take that brain-sucking box over a trip to the emergency room any day.