Thursday, February 28, 2008


I have wanted to write a list of Andrew-isms for over a year now. The things that kid says amaze me. Where does he learn this stuff?? He is definitely pure entertainment around our house - we're thinking of getting rid of the TV.

1. In the car with Meemee one day, Meemee asked him if he was the bomb diggity (which is what his old teacher used to call him). He replied, "No, godamit."

2. Sometimes when we tell him to do something, he cups his ear and says, "What did you just say to me?"

3. One night, he asked if he could watch Happy Feet. I hate that movie, so I asked him if we could watch something else. We couldn't agree on a movie, so I told him he could watch Happy Feet.
His reaction: "(big sigh) But you said you didn't like it."
Me: "I know, but it's OK."
Him: "(bigger sigh) Fine." (as if I'm the one exasperating him!)

4. Josh, fed up with the boys, said to Andrew, "Go rock your brother, damit." Andrew said, "But I'm not damit."

hee. That one cracks me up. This kid makes me laugh.

Another thing that makes me laugh - Nicholas's facial expressions. Sometimes I think he's wondering how he got stuck with us. He does tend to look at us like we're crazy. I think he knows something we don't.